Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 25/01/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for SOS 320 chats des rues !

SOS! In Toulouse, Kyriakos has no more canned food to feed the 320 street cats who rely on him... the poor things are in danger of starvation!
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Canned food for SOS 320 chats des rues !
SOS! In Toulouse, Kyriakos has no more canned food to feed the 320 street cats who rely on him... the poor things are in danger of starvation!

810 cans

810 cans

SOS! In Toulouse, Kyriakos has no more canned food to feed the 320 street cats who rely on him... the poor things are in danger of starvation!

1. In France, Kyriakos no longer has canned food to feed the 320 free-roaming cats who need it... The poor cats are in danger of starving!

"There are still 320 free-roaming cats who rely on us. Unfortunately, I depleted my remaining canned food a few days ago, and I can't afford to buy enough to feed them all...

At the same time, the association is financially deprived, since a member who used to help us a lot can no longer support us. It is impossible for us to raise enough money to feed all these cats!

Many of them are getting sick with the winter, and may not survive the lack of food. We can't stand by and do nothing!"

2. Prices are on the rise and the association has never had so few financial resources... it's a disaster!

"Following the departure of one of our benefactors, we have to do without her monthly donation of 410 euros. Until now, we managed to keep going, but now it's no longer possible. The loss is huge!

We don't have any subsidies, and most people don't donate. Our online kitties have been stagnating for years. In this time of economic crisis with high inflation, people have become poorer and can no longer support us...

I am very afraid for the future: food and petrol prices are rising sharply. Everything will become more complex and we may not be able to help the cats anymore!"

3. Drained by a very virulent case of coryza, poor Admèt won't make it without canned food!

"Admèt is a 12-year-old cat who has been living on the streets her whole life. With the return of cold and damp weather, her chronic coryza has returned. The virus is at an advanced stage: Admèt is very tired, she has little appetite and sneezes a lot.

Given her age and the particularly difficult living conditions outside in winter, she will not survive without canned food to regain her strength!"

4. Kyriakos is not asking for money, he just needs canned food to prevent the street cats from starving.

"Between the administrative aspects, preparing the feeding rounds and going to the different feeding site, I devote all my time to the street cats. I also look after some of them at home. There is no time off when you dedicate yourself to such a cause!

With a pension of only 1,000 euros and 600 euros in rent and utilities, I have a hard time feeding the free cats. I eat pasta every day, I don't go on holiday and I deprive myself in many ways. Apart from me, they have no one to rely on!"

5. Animal Webaction can deliver canned food to save the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail. 

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Sending canned food

The shelter won't receive any money, only the canned food bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Chat Libre de l'Ile du Ramier
11 Rue Peyras
31000 Toulouse
FR France

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