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Blankets for Popeye

Affected by joint problems, the old Popeye has a lot of difficulty to move...
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Blankets for Popeye
Affected by joint problems, the old Popeye has a lot of difficulty to move...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Affected by joint problems, the old Popeye has a lot of difficulty to move...

1. His joints make him suffer and handicap him daily...

Popeye is a very old cat who lives outside in a secure enclosure. The poor guy has very advanced arthritis. As his joints are painful, he has a lot of trouble walking, and can hardly climb or jump anymore...

2. Blankets would allow him to rest comfortably

With a set of fleece blankets, Popeye could rest in good conditions. He would be warm enough to sleep, and comfortable for the rest of the day.

3. Unexpected events have heavily impacted our budget!

Recently, we have had to deal with two deaths and cases of feline infectious peritonitis. This has resulted in very high veterinary expenses (nearly 2,000 euros in bills!). Financially, it is now very difficult to continue to keep going...

Association L'Arche de Maddy
5 Coutron Nord
33113 Saint-Léger-de-Balson
FR France

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