Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 16/02/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Diamande

Diamande had a whole part of the jaw severed!
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Blankets for Diamande
Diamande had a whole part of the jaw severed!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Diamande had a whole part of the jaw severed!

1. She was injured in the jaw...

Diamande is a 2 months old kitten, who was found in the street. The poor girl had her whole lower jaw severed! She had a first operation, and should have a second one within a month...

2. With blankets, she could stay warm

Fleece blankets would keep Diamande warm until her surgery. Once the surgery is over, she could make herself comfortable, for her convalescence.

3. It's hard to organize in-store collections...

The stores are very busy, so it is difficult to get a slot to make collections. This has become vital, as veterinary fees no longer allow us to have enough money to buy food and blankets for cats in need...

Association SOS Chats en Détresse
29 rue de la Croix de Beaulieu
27400 Louviers
FR France

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