Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/02/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Chamane

Chamane's kidneys are no longer functioning properly!
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Canned food for Chamane
Chamane's kidneys are no longer functioning properly!

192 cans

192 cans

Chamane's kidneys are no longer functioning properly!

1. He has kidney problems...

At the age of 7, Chamane is unfortunately suffering from kidney failure. He has stones and drinks a lot because his kidneys are tired. At times, it hurts to urinate. We have to put him back on medication!

2. An adapted food could simplify his life

While keeping him well hydrated, canned food could help Chamane recharge his batteries. Designed to lighten the workload of the kidneys, they would help stabilize him.

3. Your help would be invaluable!

With 34 cats to feed, as well as horses and ponies, the situation is becoming financially critical. I'm trying to get help from the town hall for sterilizations, but so far it's going nowhere... I really need your help!

Association Univers Libre
1270 route du Luc
83660 Carnoules
FR France

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