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Canned food for Teddy

Destroyed lungs, broken ribs, damaged neck: after years of sleeping on the floor, Teddy's body is in pieces!
photo association
Canned food for Teddy
Destroyed lungs, broken ribs, damaged neck: after years of sleeping on the floor, Teddy's body is in pieces!

132 cans

132 cans

Destroyed lungs, broken ribs, damaged neck: after years of sleeping on the floor, Teddy's body is in pieces!

1. His whole body is damaged!

Teddy is a 13 year old dog who has spent 10 years of his life living in circles in a box in Andalusia. He has just arrived and he is skeletal. From sleeping on the concrete, his neck is damaged (he always has his head down), his ribs are shattered and his lungs are completely destroyed!

2. He has major skin problems

Teddy has pyotraumatic folliculitis. When you pet him, his hair starts to fall out. So the vet put him on medication.

3. He had to be operated on for cancer...

Teddy had testicular cancer and had to be operated on recently. But since the surgery, he has not been able to put on weight!

4. Canned food would help him regain a normal weight

With senior dog food, Teddy could get his nutrients back quickly. Such a rich, high-quality diet would certainly help him regain his weight and feel better.

5. No less than 120 animals are counting on us...

Another association accepted to help us to take care of about twenty cats that we were taking care of. But despite this, we still have 120 animals to manage. Feeding all these animals represents an astronomical amount of money!

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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