Mrs Oizo is quite frail...
2,400 kg
Dry food offered
2,400 kg
Dry food necessary
Participate in confidence
Animal Webaction visited the site 25 February 2023 and confirms the situation described below.
"The current inflation is killing us! Granted, we always struggled to buy kibble before, but it was nothing compared to what we're going through now. We can barely provide the bare minimum for the dogs! We give them low quality kibble but even in doing so, the amount we can afford to buy is not nearly enough to feed our 270 dogs properly. I feel completely helpless...
No matter how many times I post on social media begging for food, donations have dropped significantly since winter arrived. Energy bills have gone up, so everyone is focusing on trying to provide for their own families. Not long ago, I even arrived at the shelter empty-handed! The dogs couldn't believe that I was only filling the water bowls and the kibble bowls remained empty... Situations like these are truly heartbreaking.
At the moment we have about 4 days worth of kibble left, if we continue to reduce the portions. To be honest, this campaign is our only lifeline. If it fails, we will be forced to pursue even more drastic rationing, but there are limits to this logic... We can't cut something that doesn't exist!
"The dogs are not eating enough, far from it! Some have lost weight, others have developed skin rashes, diseases... The current lack of kibble is very serious. We have many elderly and sick dogs at the shelter and unfortunately several have left us in recent months. We do not believe that these events are a coincidence, but rather that they are directly related to the low-quality and overly frugal diet that the dogs are being forced to eat... It's devastating!
What's next? Deadly fights, starvation... ? If this situation continues, I'm afraid I'll have to go as far as releasing the dogs onto the street... I couldn't bear to see them kill each other! The success of this campaign is more than necessary, it is vital for our dogs!"
"We found Diana in a field near the shelter, she was very thin and full of ticks. The puppy we found her with was adopted quite quickly, but unfortunately Diana was not so lucky. Although quite shy and withdrawn, Diana had adapted quite well to life in the shelter, before she suffered a heart attack two years ago...
She has recovered thanks to treatment, but she remains very skinny and vulnerable, even today! Diana is not young anymore, she will certainly spend the rest of her life in the shelter and without proper nutrition, I am afraid that her days are numbered..."
"Over the past few years I have dedicated my time to helping the dogs at the shelter, whether it is summer, winter, rainy or sunny. My love for them keeps me going, but the current pressure on our resources has become a huge burden for me and all the other volunteers. It's not for lack of trying... I post on social media and alert people about our situation; I even appeared on a local TV show in recent weeks to talk about our problems.
We have received a few donations from new people as a result of this appearance, but nothing sufficient to support our 270 dogs... And with our few loyal supporters also being burdened by inflation, they can't give as regularly as they used to either. Our vet debts are mounting for check-ups, treatments, surgeries... and of course, kibble. With inflation, even the only low quality kibble we can buy has become unaffordable!
We offer all our love to the dogs in the shelter but unfortunately, love alone is not enough... The aim of the association and the shelter is to offer them a better life by providing them with everything they need (food, care, kennel comfort...). They all deserve to eat their fill and despite all our good will, we are not able to meet this most basic need... At the moment, this campaign is our only hope to ensure the subsistence of our dogs, if only for the next few weeks..."
"I started getting involved at the shelter as a volunteer, cleaning the kennels and feeding the dogs. Seeing all the challenges the association was facing, I started asking my friends for help. I created an online presence that allowed us to share our story and encourage people to help or donate. After 3 years of helping, I decided to join the association as a full time member.
Today, our actions are mostly appreciated by people living abroad, who support us with donations within the limits of possibility. Among the local population, there are also some people who support us and congratulate us for our work and it is good to see that we are appreciated for what we bring to the community! Unfortunately, the local authorities don't help us at all...
It's sad because we have saved many lives over the years and through our actions, we are just trying to alleviate the atrocities that these dogs have suffered... Those who have never set foot in a dog shelter will surely find it difficult to understand the unconditional love they can offer. Their happiness is transmitted to everyone around, it heals, it empowers... I wish more people could experience it, and I wish more people would get involved in our cause; if not financially, they can help by volunteering, because we're always in need of a pair of hands!"
Animal Webaction has a logistics centre in Romania which enables us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.
"People are donating less and less because of the global inflation. Our partner organisation based in Germany still helps us by paying some veterinary bills and sending us a few bags of kibble, but unfortunately they too are affected by the drop in donations and can't help as much as before.
In recent weeks we have also seen an increase in the number of dogs in distress in our area. We have tried to talk to people about our situation and inform them that we literally cannot accept any more dogs. We also constantly try to support neutering as we know that this is the only solution to reduce the number of abandoned dogs. Unfortunately, we are not often heard on either subjects...
So our expenses keep increasing and support is becoming scarce. At the moment, the supply of kibble is our number one problem and priority, and this campaign is our only chance to solve it!"
When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded.
If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Ramona, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch with each other.
If you represent a foundation or NGO for animal protection, please help Ramona's dogs, contact us and we will put you in touch!
If you want to help Ramona at the shelter or if you want to directly send some kibble or a cheque, contact her via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).
Safe payment 100% safe payment via Paypal or credit card |
Verified action We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter |
Sending kibble The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf |
Delivery tracking We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures |
Satisfied buyers Our satisfaction rate is 98% (read our 757 Facebook reviews) |
Expertise Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years |