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Pellets for Pépito

Stuffy and toothless, poor Pépito is not in good shape!
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Pellets for Pépito
Stuffy and toothless, poor Pépito is not in good shape!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Stuffy and toothless, poor Pépito is not in good shape!

1. Left without care, Pépito is in bad health...

Pépito is a 19 years old pony, who was extremely tired and did not receive any adapted care. His teeth are also in very bad condition, and need to be seen by the dentist regularly.

2. Pellets would help him to eat more easily

To keep his condition despite his health problems, Pépito will need pellets. Reduced to mush, they would be easier for him to eat!

3. Our budget is in trouble!

We have recently taken in two new elderly donkeys. Feeding them represents a big budget. Without counting the veterinary emergencies which follow one another for a pony... The finances of the association are put to the test!

Association Les Crins de la Lande
623 la lande
22460 Saint Hervé
FR France

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