Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 21/04/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Diego

Old, sick, Diego is still in the street. We must help him now!
photo association
Canned food for Diego
Old, sick, Diego is still in the street. We must help him now!

256 cans

256 cans

Old, sick, Diego is still in the street. We must help him now!

1. He suffered a stroke

Diego is 15 years old. He is on the street. And the situation is far from easy for him. He suffers from arthritis: his joints are painful. And, on top of that, he had a stroke...

Between his age and his health worries, it's really hard for him!

2. Canned food will help him eat

Diego has trouble getting around. Eating shouldn't be a struggle for him as well!

Canned food, with their easy-to-chew contents, will allow him to eat without any more difficulties. And he'll be able to keep his strength up.

3. It's really complicated right now

The situation is difficult. People are afraid to help, it's a struggle to get donations, and our supplies are suffering. We sometimes run out of food for the cats...


Association Association des Chats Port-Saint-Louisiens
30 HLM le vauban
13230 Port saint Louis du Rhône
FR France

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