Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 14/04/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Kalou

Affected by repeated ulcers, young Kalou lost a lot of weight and could never be adopted!
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Canned food for Kalou
Affected by repeated ulcers, young Kalou lost a lot of weight and could never be adopted!

132 cans

132 cans

Affected by repeated ulcers, young Kalou lost a lot of weight and could never be adopted!

1. A bacterium causes him ulcers which make him lose weight...

Kalou is a 4 years old dog, who spent his life in the streets of Reunion Island. To survive, he had to eat anything and everything, and ended up getting sick.

In spite of the treatments, he is a carrier of a bacterium (helicobacter pylori) which causes him ulcers repeatedly. He has regular attacks, during which he can no longer eat and loses a lot of weight...

2. Canned food would help him to regain some strength

In order to maintain a normal weight as much as possible, Kalou will need a nutritious and qualitative food. With such canned food, he could regain some strength between each crisis, to better go through them later.

3. It's a shame...

The possibility of receiving unsold kibble for the dogs of our association has just fallen through. With the prices that have increased and the impossibility to find certain products in the stores, we don't know how we will be able to feed all our animals. So we have been forced once again to stop new rescues...

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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