Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 17/04/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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We cannot let these 150 street cats starve!

SOS! In Fos-sur-Mer, Andréa has run out of kibble to feed the 150 street cats she cares for... the poor things are in danger of starving!
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We cannot let these 150 street cats starve!
SOS! In Fos-sur-Mer, Andréa has run out of kibble to feed the 150 street cats she cares for... the poor things are in danger of starving!

780 kg
Dry food offered

780 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 28 March 2023 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In France, Andréa has no kibble left to feed the 150 street cats under her care... The poor things are in danger of starving!

"I only have one bag of kibble left, which is not even enough to ensure the feeding of the 150 cats I look after on 7 different feeding sites. I have been forced to ration them for months now. Not to mention that new cats keep arriving on certain sites. 

I also had to take care of a new feeding point with 10 cats, because their feeder died. When I get there every other day, the free cats are waiting for me on the road. If I don't find a solution to restock the kibble quickly, they are heading for a disaster!”

2. Alone and with no financial resources, Andréa finds herself faced with an accumulation of debts, unable to buy kibble for the cats...

"With the increase in prices and the growing number of associations in need, in-store collections no longer work as well as before. As I have lost my job, I cannot make up for it: in addition to my personal expenses and the cost of gasoline to go to the feeding sites, I need 400 euros to manage cats in bad shape that I collected at home... It is impossible to find the means to take care of 150 street cats in these conditions ! 

Many of the free cats are elderly and need care. The veterinary debts are stacking up: I still have 1,000 euros of bills from 2022 to be paid, and 1,000 from the beginning of the year... I made an online fundraising campaign a few weeks ago, but it didn't work. And as the association has no volunteers, no one can help me financially. Without you, I have no other solution to feed the cats!"

3. Weakened by a cancer of the nose, Mickey will not survive without kibble...

"Mickey is an elderly cat, who was born and spent his whole life out in the wild. Recently, the poor thing has developed nasal cancer. The inflammation is painful for him, so we have a treatment to give him some relief. Unfortunately, he still gets purulent bleeding from his nose. 

Giving him kibble allows us to monitor the evolution of his disease, while giving him his treatment... At the moment, I unfortunately don't have enough kibble to go there every day. Poor Mickey is in danger of hurting again... And without food, he will weaken twice as fast as the other free cats. He won't make it, and his condition may get worse, until he finally succumbs to the disease!"

4. Andréa is not asking for money, she just needs kibble to prevent the street cats from starving.

"Between the administrative work, the visits to the vet and the feeding rounds, I have to manage everything on my own. I'm getting more and more exhausted, and seeing the financial situation in which the association is stuck depresses me. On a personal level, my situation is also very complicated. I try to cope because the cats need me, but it's getting harder and harder..."

5. Animal Webaction can deliver kibble to help the association's cats!

6. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

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Sending kibble

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf


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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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