Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 30/05/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Maya

Found in the street, Maya is very skinny!
photo association
Blankets for Maya
Found in the street, Maya is very skinny!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Found in the street, Maya is very skinny!

1. She was skeletal and is struggling to gain weight...

Maya is a 5 years old cat, that we found in the street. The poor girl was struggling to survive: she was skeletal! Despite the fact that she has been with us for a year, she has difficulties to regain a normal weight.

2. Blankets would keep her warm

Until the warm weather returns, Maya could use a set of fleece blankets. She could snuggle up in them and rest until she gains weight again.

3. It's a dead end!

Other than you and a few spay/neuter vouchers from the city hall, we have no help. Our stocks are at zero and we have to feed about 50 cats... We don't know how we're going to keep up!

Association Association des Chats Camarguais
20 avenue Joseph Simonet
FR France

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