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Blankets for Bubulle

Young Bubulle sleeps outside, even though he has a chronic illness...
photo association
Blankets for Bubulle
Young Bubulle sleeps outside, even though he has a chronic illness...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Young Bubulle sleeps outside, even though he has a chronic illness...

1. He lives outside with a coryza...

Bubulle is a one year old cat, that we found on a site when he was only 6 months old. The poor guy had a big coryza: his eyes were stuck and his nose was blocked. We had him vaccinated and neutered, but he often has recurrences and his left eye starts to run again. Living in the cold and humidity can't help...

2. To stay warm, he'll need blankets

A set of blankets would help Bubulle to be better protected from the cold. He would be able to rest on them, without being on the dirty and often wet floor. It would be very comforting for him!

3. We don't have the means anymore...

I can no longer afford to feed the 200 stray cats... When I can, I give them pasta, but I can no longer afford to do better. The situation has become really complex!

Association Au Bonheur des Chats Libres
Bp 61352
25006 Besancon cedex
FR France

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