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Canned food for Tim

Malformations, repeated strokes, inflamed gums... poor Tim doesn't have it easy!
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Canned food for Tim
Malformations, repeated strokes, inflamed gums... poor Tim doesn't have it easy!

256 cans

256 cans

Malformations, repeated strokes, inflamed gums... poor Tim doesn't have it easy!

1. He has several deformities...

Tim is a 5 years old cat, that we found in full heat at the bottom of a gutter. The poor guy has several deformities: on his back legs and on his jaw. He can't jump and has difficulties to eat.

2. He had 5 strokes!

Poor Tim has psychomotor disorders, because he had 5 strokes. He still has the after-effects and his head is slightly crooked.

3. His gums are painful

Tim has a tendency to have inflamed gums. Chewing kibble has become painful for him.

4. Canned food would make it easier for him to eat

Cans of wet food would be much easier for Tim to eat than kibble. It would help him get his strength back, despite the condition of his gums and jaw. After all he's been through, such a high-quality diet would be a great comfort to him!

5. Everything is rising!

Inflation is only getting us down: veterinary fees are rising and so is food. It's getting really hard to provide for all the animals that rely on us!

Association Les Buddy Chats
08400 Vouziers
FR France
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