Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 08/06/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Charlotte

Thinness, arthrosis, coryza: age does not spare poor Charlotte!
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Canned food for Charlotte
Thinness, arthrosis, coryza: age does not spare poor Charlotte!

256 cans

256 cans

Thinness, arthrosis, coryza: age does not spare poor Charlotte!

1. She is sick...

Charlotte is a 15 year old cat, who suffers from chronic coryza. Her eyes run regularly and she is very tired.

2. As she gets older, she has more and more health concerns!

Over time, Charlotte has developed osteoarthritis in her hind legs. She has also lost weight and can't hear very well.

3. Canned food would help her keep her strength up

Canned food would allow Charlotte to replenish her energy, without risk to her health. They're age-appropriate and provide all the nutrients she needs to live a healthy old age.

4. Everything is going up!

Inflation is only driving us down: veterinary fees are going up and so is food. It's getting really hard to provide for all the animals that rely on us!

Association Les Buddy Chats
08400 Vouziers
FR France
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