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Canned food for Frimousse

Victim of a fractured pelvis, poor Frimousse is limping!
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Canned food for Frimousse
Victim of a fractured pelvis, poor Frimousse is limping!

192 cans

192 cans

Victim of a fractured pelvis, poor Frimousse is limping!

1. She was seriously injured!

Frimousse is a cat of about 15 years old, that we found on the side of a boulevard 10 years ago. The poor thing had a broken pelvis, and had to stay 6 weeks in convalescence. Since then, she has had difficulty walking and has been limping...

2. A kidney problem made her lose weight...

Frimousse developed kidney failure and lost a lot of weight. This kidney problem makes her lose her appetite, so she is eating less.

3. To regain her strength, she will need adapted canned food

A diet specially designed to spare the kidneys could help Frimousse. By allowing her to gain weight, such canned food would help her get back into better shape.

4. Paying everything out of my own pocket is mission impossible!

The situation is still complicated: the price of food for animals has increased and will continue to rise. So we can't afford to buy enough!

An epidemic of coryza affects many cats at the moment... They are 200 to count on us. But feeding them all from my pocket is not possible!

Association Au Bonheur des Chats Libres
Bp 61352
25006 Besancon cedex
FR France

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