Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/06/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Prunelle

Hit by a car, Prunelle kept after-effects and has difficulty to move!
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Canned food for Prunelle
Hit by a car, Prunelle kept after-effects and has difficulty to move!

256 cans

256 cans

Hit by a car, Prunelle kept after-effects and has difficulty to move!

1. She was hit by a car!

Prunelle is a 5 years old cat, who was abandoned at birth. The poor girl was also hit by a car, which injured her hind legs. Since then, she has difficulty moving around.

2. Her gums hurt a lot...

Prunelle suffers from gingivitis. Her gums are inflamed and painful, which makes it very difficult for her to eat kibbles.

3. Canned food would allow her to gain strength without being in pain

With easy-to-ingest canned food, Prunelle would be able to get her energy back, without her gums hurting. Having such a daily supply of vitamins would give her the strength to go on, despite her handicap.

4. We're out of food!

Right now, our stocks are at zero. We are forced to operate on a day-to-day basis, and to ration the cats more and more. As they do not eat their fill, the poor ones weaken and their health weakens... We have never known such hard times!

Association 4 Pattes 30
5 place du batonnier
FR France

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