Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 15/06/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Pomponette

Sore mouth, purulent eyes, runny nose: poor Pomponette has calicivirus and coryza!
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Canned food for Pomponette
Sore mouth, purulent eyes, runny nose: poor Pomponette has calicivirus and coryza!

256 cans

256 cans

Sore mouth, purulent eyes, runny nose: poor Pomponette has calicivirus and coryza!

1. A coryza exhausts her considerably...

Pomponette is a 4 year old cat, suffering from coryza. Her nose and eyes are constantly running, which is very tiring for her. She spends her time sneezing!

2. Her mouth hurts a lot!

Pomponette also has a bad case of calcivirus. The inside of her mouth is so inflamed that she is in pain and can't eat normally.

3. Canned food would help her get her energy back

With tasty and nutritious food, Pomponette could get her energy back quickly. Getting this much protein in her daily diet would help her get in better shape, and maybe even heal completely!

4. We have nothing left!

Right now, our stocks are at zero. We are forced to operate on a day-to-day basis, and ration the cats more and more. Since they don't eat enough, the poor things are getting weaker and their health is getting weaker... We have never known such hard times!

Association 4 Pattes 30
5 place du batonnier
FR France

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