Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 03/07/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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We cannot let the hundreds of dogs under this association's care starve!

SOS! In Morocco, Hind will soon be out of kibble to feed the hundreds of dogs in her care, they are going to starve!
photo association
We cannot let the hundreds of dogs under this association's care starve!
SOS! In Morocco, Hind will soon be out of kibble to feed the hundreds of dogs in her care, they are going to starve!

2,500 kg
Dry food offered

2,500 kg
Dry food necessary

Participate in confidence

Animal Webaction visited the site 10 June 2023 and confirms the situation described below.

1. In Morocco, Hind is almost out of kibble to feed the 250 street dogs her association takes care of. They will starve if no one helps!


"Every day, my association and I look after nearly 250 street dogs, spread over several districts... Their living conditions are getting worse and worse, and unsterilised dogs are constantly being abandoned. The number of new dogs on the streets is exploding, and I'm doing what I can to sterilise as many as possible, but I'm sorely lacking in resources...

More and more of them are being chased away by the population, and the authorities are delegating the issue of stray dogs to private companies, which collect and euthanise them on a mass scale... These dogs are exposed to every possible danger, to viciousness and disease; they suffer from skin diseases such as scabies, which are the result of malnutrition and dirtiness.

Alas, in a few days I'll have nothing left to give them. I've had to reduce their portions of kibble... They're emaciated and have diarrhoea, which is made worse by the heat and the lack of water... But I can't cope anymore, financially, I don't have enough donations to cover everything. I'm so worried, without kibble, I'll have to stop looking after these poor dogs!"

2. Flocky is emaciated and suffers from a serious case of scabies: for her to recover, it's essential that this campaign succeeds!


"Flocky has been living on the streets for a long time... Unfortunately, she suffers from multiple illnesses such as scabies and coryza. Her body is skeletal and she's very weak! Sadly, I can't take her to the shelter at the moment: she's highly contagious, and I don't have the space nor the means to quarantine her...

Despite our constant care and the medication we give her, she's struggling to get back on her feet, she definitely needs to eat more... Without kibble, her condition is likely to worsen rapidly; I'm afraid her scabies will over-infect, and it could take even longer to heal."

3. At Hind’s shelter, 50 vulnerable dogs are deeply affected by the lack of kibble too! 


"At the shelter, I look after 50 dogs and their number has increased recently, so it's difficult to manage on a day-to-day basis. When you take a dog in, you have to properly care for them, look after them and treat them... But with the lack of resources and inflation, it's getting harder and harder to provide hygiene, care and kibble for our canine boarders!

What worries me most at the moment is the rationing of kibble, which I've had to start a few weeks ago... I don't want my dogs to get sick or lose weight, but I don't have enough kibble left to last much longer. I try to supplement their meals with leftovers (rice, chicken...) when I have some.

The lack of kibble is already affecting them: they have digestive problems, they're losing weight... I'm afraid for the most fragile of them, they won't recover without kibble. We're short of everything (medicines, volunteers, funds to finance everything, etc.) but above all donations, so this campaign is my last hope of building up a sufficient kibble stock so that my dogs don't starve to death!

4. Sollo has scabies, and he absolutely needs kibble for the treatment to work!


"I took in Sollo six months ago... We found him in the street and we were horrified by how scrawny he was! He looked as if he hadn't eaten for days on end... Sollo now has scabies and it's spreading more and more over his body.

Without kibble, he'll never be able to recover! We have to treat him and give him his medication, but it will be counterproductive if he doesn't get enough to eat. Without this kibble delivery, his condition will get worse very quickly!"

5. The lack of donations, inflation and heavy debts have taken their toll on the association's finances: Hind can no longer buy kibble!


"At the moment, every rescue we do relies on a pledge to pay the resulting veterinary bills... Except that people are in crisis and can't help as much anymore! After the animal's convalescence, I'm on my own to look after it and feed it. In the past, I used to buy kibble with my own money. Today, with the growing number of dogs and insufficient donations, this is impossible.

I have to bear 90% of the costs: my debts are piling up and that's having a huge impact on my mental health, giving me insomnia... I'm doubly responsible, both as a bank executive and as a volunteer within the association, and the situation is so burdensome for me. I even have long-standing donors who have recently died, which is really sad.

The fund-raising campaigns are not working well at all to raise the money needed to buy kibble or pay the bills. And I don't have any new supporters or sponsors. I feel like I'm never going to make it, despite my best efforts, with prices soaring and more dogs to support. I need help to feed all the abandoned dogs who are counting on me!"

6. Hind is not asking for money, only kibble to keep the dogs from starving.


"Since I was very young, I've always had a deep love for animals. I sacrificed my time, my youth and much more for these dogs. Over time, adoptions have become rare, but abandonments have become more and more frequent! Today, we barely have had three recent adoptions.

I have different roles: I distribute kibble, I supervise the team, I work with the local authorities to stop the culls, and I manage our social media presence. There are only four of us to do all that. It's a lot of responsibility, a lot of work, for so many animals to look after!

I look after abandoned dogs, feed them, find them shelter and take them to the vet... These actions raise people's awareness, and they start to do the same. But it's not easy! Faced with the incomprehension of some people and the real lack of resources, I often feel helpless. The success of this campaign would be a huge relief for me, and a very precious help: my dogs will have something to eat!"

7. If this campaign succeeds, Hind will not receive any money but 2500 kg of kibble, delivered from Animal Webaction's logistic platform in Morocco.

Animal Webaction has a logistic platform in Morocco, which allows us to intervene quickly and deliver kibble.

8. Campaigns launched on Animal Webaction often fail.

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When a campaign fails, Animal Webaction cannot deliver the products. The beneficiary doesn't receive anything and the buyers are refunded. 

9. In Morocco, donors are rare, and there are no foundations or subsidies… It is very difficult to find funding for kibble, many cats are left starving in the street!


If you know of a foundation or NGO that could help Hind, please invite them to contact us so that we can put them in touch.

If you represent an animal protection foundation or NGO, please help Hind's dogs, contact us, and we will put you in touch!

If you want to visit Hind's shelter to help her or if you want to send her some kibble or a cheque directly, please contact Hind via Facebook (note: direct help is done on your own responsibility).

10. If you make a purchase on Animal Webaction, it will be protected by our guarantees.

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100% safe payment via PayPal or credit card

Verified action

We've carried out checks on this action, Animal Webaction visited the shelter


Sending kibble

The shelter won't receive any money, only the kibble bought on its behalf

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We will keep you posted and you will receive delivery pictures

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Animal Webaction partners with 1000 animal welfare associations in 15 countries and has been existing for 10 years

Association Association Comme Chiens et Chats Maroc
Résidence Farah B2 N35 Sidi Rahal Chatii
20 628 Berrechid - Sidi Rahal Chatai
MA Maroc
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