Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/08/2023, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Pellets for Good Boy

Poor Good Boy no longer has any teeth and can only eat pellets...
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Pellets for Good Boy
Poor Good Boy no longer has any teeth and can only eat pellets...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Poor Good Boy no longer has any teeth and can only eat pellets...

1. He has no teeth left!

Good Boy is a 28-year-old horse who has lost all of his teeth. Therefore, he can no longer eat grass or hay as he is unable to chew them...

2. To sustain himself, he will need soaked pellets

With the heat setting in and considering his age, Good Boy will require a suitable nutritional supplement. Moistened or pureed pellets would be perfect for him, allowing him to continue feeding without difficulty. This will enable him to maintain his strength and navigate the coming weeks in peace!

3. We have more mouths to feed...

We have taken in many new animals, increasing our number of residents to 20! Unfortunately, the pellets are running out quickly... Soon, we will have nothing left!

Association Le Souffle d’Éole
56 allée des peupliers
84460 Cheval-Blanc
FR France

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