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Pellets for Tristan

Without supplementation, poor Tristan becomes emaciated!
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Pellets for Tristan
Without supplementation, poor Tristan becomes emaciated!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Without supplementation, poor Tristan becomes emaciated!

1. He doesn't have any teeth left, so he tends to lose weight very easily...

Tristan is a 30-year-old horse who was abandoned by his owners last summer. Since he no longer has any teeth and cannot graze on grass, he was skeletal when he arrived...

2. To continue recovering, he will need soaked pellets

In order to regain a normal weight, Tristan will need pellets. Once moistened or turned into soup, he would have no problem ingesting them. This way, he could eat to his heart's content and never go without again!

3. We have more mouths to feed!

We have taken in a lot of new cases, which brings the number of animals in our care to 20! Unfortunately, the pellets are running out very quickly... we will soon have nothing left!

Association Le Souffle d’Éole
56 allée des peupliers
84460 Cheval-Blanc
FR France

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