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Pellets for Gassio

Mistreated, poor Gassio is starting to develop a serious illness...
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Pellets for Gassio
Mistreated, poor Gassio is starting to develop a serious illness...

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Mistreated, poor Gassio is starting to develop a serious illness...

1. He has been mistreated!

Gassio is a 23-year-old horse that we took in about a year ago. Poor thing had suffered from abuse and needed a new place to go.

2. He is showing symptoms of Cushing's disease...

Unfortunately, Gassio is starting to develop Cushing's disease. His coat is shaggy, and he has a clubfoot, which is not a good sign.

3. Quality nutrition could help maintain his condition

To prevent his condition from deteriorating too quickly due to the disease, Gassio will need a high-quality diet. Nutritious and balanced, pellets would be an excellent supplementation for him!

4. We have more mouths to feed!

We have taken in many new animals, which has increased the number of our residents to 20 animals! Unfortunately, the pellets are running out very quickly... we will soon have nothing left!

Association Le Souffle d’Éole
56 allée des peupliers
84460 Cheval-Blanc
FR France

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