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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/08/2023, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Pellets for Chocolatine

Suffering from emphysema, poor Chocolatine coughs a lot!
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Pellets for Chocolatine
Suffering from emphysema, poor Chocolatine coughs a lot!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Suffering from emphysema, poor Chocolatine coughs a lot!

1. She is so frail...

Chocolatine is a 12-year-old pony that we took in after a seizure. Last year, she gave birth to a foal... who is now bigger than her! She needs to be supplemented in order to continue nursing.

2. She has pulmonary issues!

Chocolatine has emphysema and coughs a lot. Therefore, we cannot give her hay, as she could breathe in fine dust particles and risk choking.

3. To regain strength safely, she will need wet pellets

To feed herself without worsening her health problems, Chocolatine will need pellets. Once moistened or turned into a soup, she could ingest them without any risk. It would be a great relief for her!

4. We have more mouths to feed!

We have taken in a lot of new animals, which brings the total number of our residents to 20! Unfortunately, the pellets are running out quickly... we won't have anything left soon!

Association Le Souffle d’Éole
56 allée des peupliers
84460 Cheval-Blanc
FR France

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