Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 29/08/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Blankets for Prunelle

Poor Prunelle was wandering alone in the street when she was found!
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Blankets for Prunelle
Poor Prunelle was wandering alone in the street when she was found!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Prunelle was wandering alone in the street when she was found!

1. She was abandoned!

Prunelle is a one and a half month old kitten, who was found wandering and completely frightened in the street. Without help, the poor girl would not have survived...

2. Blankets would keep her warm at night

A kitten needs lots of sleep to grow up properly. With blankets, Prunelle would have a place to lay down comfortably, to recover and rest as much as she needs

3. The number of cats in need is constantly increasing!

At the moment, there are many abandoned cats (especially female cats with their kittens). We have 130 cats to feed, which represents a considerable expense!

Association Association des Chats Camarguais
20 avenue Joseph Simonet
FR France

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