Swelling in the paws, limping: poor Moon is struggling to move!
288 cans
288 cans
Étoile is an 8 month old kitten, who is the only one of her litter to have survived. The others died from being hit by cars or from disease. Even she had a fever of 41, was drooling a lot, and had an ulcer on her tongue.
She has a treatment to take and control appointments at the vet. We will know soon if it is a calicivirus.
A palatable, moist food would help Étoile to take her medication without too much tongue pain. It would also be an excellent source of energy for her. With such a daily supply of vitamins, she could continue to grow more normally!
We have a lot of stray cats to feed, and not enough food for them. There are nearly 200 of them and they are still multiplying... If we don't find solutions quickly, the situation will only get worse!