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Blankets for Usy

Emaciation, purulent eyes, tongue ulcer: poor Usy is not doing well!
photo association
Blankets for Usy
Emaciation, purulent eyes, tongue ulcer: poor Usy is not doing well!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Emaciation, purulent eyes, tongue ulcer: poor Usy is not doing well!

1. He's very sick!

Usy is a six-week-old kitten found on a road, without his mother. Due to a feline upper respiratory disease (cat flu), his eyes are pus-filled and half closed...

2. A second virus prevents him from gaining weight...

Usy struggles to eat because he has an ulcer on his tongue. So, he's finding it hard to gain weight and remains extremely skinny.

3. Blankets would keep him warm until he recovers

Separated too young from his mother's warmth, Usy needs blankets. They would allow him to curl up comfortably to sleep and recuperate. Sleep indeed plays a vital role in kittens' growth, and Usy desperately needs it now!

4. We're overwhelmed by the number of requests!

There are always many abandonments and calls from people who find kittens. However, as there are few adoptions and we're short on foster families, we're unable to take as many new cases as needed. Especially since the kittens that are brought in often are in catastrophic conditions…

Association Les Chats de la Rue
Centre d'Animation de Beaulieu
10, boulevard Savari
FR France

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