Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 09/10/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Iris

Extreme thinness, FIV, abscesses... Iris has a very fragile health!
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Canned food for Iris
Extreme thinness, FIV, abscesses... Iris has a very fragile health!

256 cans

256 cans

Extreme thinness, FIV, abscesses... Iris has a very fragile health!

1. He was in an extremely weakened state…

Iris is a 2-year-old cat that we found outside, wobbling on his legs. Testing positive for FIV, he is also extremely thin…

2. He had a huge abscess!

Upon arrival, Iris had a very large abscess that was beginning to necrose. He had to undergo surgery and received stitches. This intervention only weakened him a little more, even if it was of course essential for his survival.

3. Canned food would help him gain weight

A diet rich in protein would be ideal to help Iris to quickly gain weight. Stocking up on vitamins would help him strengthen himself and recover some energy after what he's been through.

4. We're at a loss!

We have more and more cats developing health problems. Since they can no longer eat kibble, they need a specific diet… but we cannot afford to buy it! We've even had to stop taking in new animals…

Association L'Ecole du Chat Libre de Poitiers (Comité de Défense des Bêtes Libres)
1 place de Frontevault
86000 Poitiers
FR France

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