Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/10/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Tigrou

Tigrou's gums are so weakened that he can no longer chew!
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Canned food for Tigrou
Tigrou's gums are so weakened that he can no longer chew!

256 cans

256 cans

L'Arche de Maddy decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical.

Tigrou's gums are so weakened that he can no longer chew!

1. He often has gingivitis!

Tigrou is an 8-year-old cat who regularly experiences episodes of gingivitis. His gums are often inflamed, making them very fragile and sensitive. Eating dry food has become an impossible mission for him!

2. With canned food, he wouldn't struggle to feed himself anymore

To be able to eat without experiencing gum pain, Tigrou needs soft and moist food like canned food. It would allow him to replenish proteins, vitamins, and minerals and improve his overall health.

3. We manage a group of around forty cats, many of which are elderly…

We have an increasing number of elderly cats, which entails additional healthcare expenses. Unfortunately, the collections made in stores are not enough to provide suitable food for them…

Association L'Arche de Maddy
5 Coutron Nord
33113 Saint-Léger-de-Balson
FR France

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