Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/10/2023, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Noru

Suffering from ataxia, poor Noru can only move by crawling...
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Blankets for Noru
Suffering from ataxia, poor Noru can only move by crawling...

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Suffering from ataxia, poor Noru can only move by crawling...

1. He is majorly disabled!

Noru is an eighteen-month-old cat that contracted typhus as a kitten. Although he beat the illness, it’s left him with debilitating after effects. He's ataxic, and can only move by crawling... this poses an enormous strain on him!

 2. Blankets would help ensure the safety of his sleeping area 

With the help of some blankets, we could set up a cosy and secured spot for Noru. This would lessen the risk of potential injuries, and offer him a safe and comfortable resting place.

3. The number of cats in need just keeps growing!

The majority of the cats we care for suffer from various diseases, leading to significant costs. With the kitten season and numerous abandonments this summer, we are currently accommodating 120 adult cats and 135 kittens, which is a massive number!

Association Les Chats Libres d'Estagel
14 rue Marcel Barrere
66310 Estagel
FR France

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