Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/10/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Julie

Elderly and all skin and bones, poor Julie struggles to eat due to her severely damaged teeth.
photo association
Canned food for Julie
Elderly and all skin and bones, poor Julie struggles to eat due to her severely damaged teeth.

256 cans

256 cans

Elderly and all skin and bones, poor Julie struggles to eat due to her severely damaged teeth.

1. She barely has any teeth left...

Julie is a 20-year-old cat who has seen her dentition degrade over time. Today, she has so few teeth left that she is unable to eat dry food anymore.

2. She has lost a lot of weight!

Between the state of her teeth and vulnerabilities due to her age, Julie is incredibly thin. If we don't intervene, she risks slipping into a vicious cycle!

3. She would need canned food to gain weight

An easy-to-eat food like canned food would make Julie's life easier. Suitable for her age, such food would help to safeguard her as long as possible from health issues such as renal failure or diabetes.

4. Our funds are dwindling!

Our food stocks are drastically decreasing, yet there are more and more cats to feed, despite the kittens that have been adopted.

Our association houses a significant number of aging cats, all of which demand expensive canned food... With our funds that are dwindling, it’s becoming increasingly challenging to meet everyone's needs!

Association Les Chats Libres de la Canterrane
HLM La Canterrane, Bat C, N° 94
66300 THUIR
FR France
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