Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 20/10/2023, the association will send us the delivery pictures soon.
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Blankets for Charles

Struck by a car, Charles has had his hips fractured!
photo association
Blankets for Charles
Struck by a car, Charles has had his hips fractured!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Struck by a car, Charles has had his hips fractured!

1. He was seriously injured…

Charles is a cat of about 3 years old, that we found wandering. Poor Charles was injured, as he had just been hit by a car. His hips were fractured by the impact and sadly, they’re inoperable. He's therefore given rest, allowing them to heal by themselves over time.

2. Some blankets would provide him a comfortable spot for rest

With blankets, we could create a snug and comfy spot for Charles. He could lay down and rest there, while he is recovering fully.

3. The number of suffering cats keeps on rising!

Many of the cats we care for have health issues, resulting in high costs. With the kitten season and the many abandonments this summer, we are currently handling a total of 120 adult cats and 135 kittens, which is monumental!

Association Les Chats Libres d'Estagel
14 rue Marcel Barrere
66310 Estagel
FR France

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