Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 23/11/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Jules

Trapped in a collar, poor Jules was found on the brink of death...
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Canned food for Jules
Trapped in a collar, poor Jules was found on the brink of death...

256 cans

256 cans

Trapped in a collar, poor Jules was found on the brink of death...

1. He was seriously injured…

Jules is a cat of about ten years old, who got trapped by a collar… People found him wandering, on the verge of death. So we took him in, because his neck was completely torn apart! The vet stitched him up and prescribed antibiotics and painkillers…

2. Canned food would help him recover

Still in recovery, Jules will need to regain his strength. A diet like canned food would be perfect to help him replenish his energy. It would help him get back on his feet even faster!

3. Our vulnerable cats need suitable nutrition…

Many kittens have arrived recently, and some are not in good health (not to mention the sick and elderly cats we already care for). We will do our best to treat them, but they will need a specific diet that we cannot afford to buy!

25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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