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Canned food for Petit Bonheur

Diabetes, infected mouth, heart murmur... Petit Bonheur has multiple health issues!
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Canned food for Petit Bonheur
Diabetes, infected mouth, heart murmur... Petit Bonheur has multiple health issues!

192 cans

192 cans

Diabetes, infected mouth, heart murmur... Petit Bonheur has multiple health issues!

1. He has diabetes…

Petit Bonheur is a cat about 10 years old, who has diabetes. Unfortunately, since his levels keep fluctuating, it is not possible to give him a chronic treatment to stabilize it…

2. His mouth is constantly infected due to a weakened immune system!

Petit Bonheur tested positive for FIV. This virus attacks his immune defenses, which means he is less protected against infections. As a result, all of his teeth had to be removed in January, as the inside of his mouth was too infected.

3. He has heart problems and hypertension…

Petit Bonheur also has a severe heart murmur and suffers from hypertension. He easily becomes short of breath and gets tired.

4. Canned food would provide him with valuable energy

A wet diet like canned food would help Petit Bonheur eat, despite his lack of teeth. Specifically adapted for diabetes, it would support him in dealing with this condition and the lack of possible treatment. It would also be a source of precious energy to improve his daily vitality.

5. It's a disaster!

Since I had to stop taking in new animals, I have fewer sterilization vouchers and financial aid. Meeting the needs of the 28 cats in foster care and the 120 distressed street cats becomes a real headache!

Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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