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This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 06/12/2023, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Titou

Sneezing, blocked nose, watery eyes: little Titou has a severe case of cat flu...
photo association
Canned food for Titou
Sneezing, blocked nose, watery eyes: little Titou has a severe case of cat flu...

288 cans

288 cans

Sneezing, blocked nose, watery eyes: little Titou has a severe case of cat flu...

1. A virus leaves him in a terrible state...

Titou is a 2-month-old kitten who was found in the back of a garden. Unfortunately, he has a severe case of cat flu: his nose is blocked, his eyes are watery, and he's constantly sneezing! Therefore, we have a treatment to give him...

2. Canned food would help him take his medication

Appetizing food would make it easier for Titou to swallow his tablets. It would also be a good way for him to continue growing and benefit from the precious vitamins his body needs.

3. We're caught in a vicious circle!

As some cats recover, others fall ill. It never ends! We currently have over thirty cats in need of our help. The canned food is running out quickly and we'll soon have nothing left...

Association Les Mimichats
1 chemin de la Micrause
30820 Caveirac
FR France

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