Recently operated on for a tumour, poor Bichette has lost a lot of weight!
192 cans
192 cans
The association 4 Pattes 30 decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of canned food is highly critical.
Mumus is a 14-year-old cat, who has repeatedly battled with gingivitis. To soothe his inflamed gums, he had to undergo numerous dental extractions. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to chew...
Mumus also contracted feline viral rhinotracheitis, otherwise known as cat flu. The virus has taken hold in his lungs, causing recurrent bronchitis. We are therefore administering inhalation treatments, to clear his respiratory pathways. He is also being given antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, but these treatments are leading to bouts of diarrhoea...
Nutrient-rich and balanced canned food could help Mumus replenish his strength daily, despite his dental issues. Designed to aid intestinal recovery, this type of canned food could significantly alleviate his diarrhoea.
As this is a wet food, Mumus would also remain well-hydrated, and his respiratory pathways could naturally unblock. Such a daily input of proteins and vitamins would allow him to combat the virus more effectively.
This is the first year where we haven't received any monetary donations at all. With a headcount of around fifty animals to care for, many of which are ill and require medical attention, the situation is verging on the critical. Our food supplies are nearly depleted, and we can't afford to replenish them!