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Blankets for Ouki

Eyes full of pus, a blocked nose, extreme thinness: Ouki is in peril due to a severe case of rhinitis!
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Blankets for Ouki
Eyes full of pus, a blocked nose, extreme thinness: Ouki is in peril due to a severe case of rhinitis!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Eyes full of pus, a blocked nose, extreme thinness: Ouki is in peril due to a severe case of rhinitis!

1. He was locked up!

Ouki is a kitten of a month and a half, who was found at a feeding site. The poor little fellow had been abandoned in a taped-up cardboard box! He could have died had we not rescued him from there...

2. He's skeletal because of feline rhinotracheitis...

Unfortunately, Ouki has feline rhinotracheitis, an untreated disease, can take a kitten's life. His eyes are full of pus and his nose is thoroughly blocked. The virus has knocked him out to the point that he's skeletal!

3. With bedding, he could rest warmly

A set of blankets would provide a clean and comfortable space for Ouki to rest. He could settle in there and stay warm while he recovers.

4. Abandonments are on the rise...

An increasing number of cats and kittens are being abandoned at feeding sites. They often arrive in poor health, with severe diseases or chronic viruses. In addition to feeding around sixty cats, we have recently taken in another 10 kittens!


25, rue du Sancy
FR France

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