Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Snow

Snow has just undergone surgery for cancer and needs to regain his strength...
photo association
Canned food for Snow
Snow has just undergone surgery for cancer and needs to regain his strength...

256 cans

256 cans

Snow has just undergone surgery for cancer and needs to regain his strength...

1. He underwent surgical operation for cancer in both ears...

Snow is a 7-year-old cat who joined the association just over two years ago. Already weakened by FIV, a disease that attacks his immune system, he had contracted cancer.

Therefore, he was recently operated on both ears. But postoperative care is challenging, as he is very unsociable.

2. Canned food would help him recharge his energy

A moist and appetising diet would assist Snow in taking his post-operative pills. High in vitamins and premium quality proteins, such a diet would speed up his recovery!

3. Many collections are like a drop in the ocean...!

We are completely out of food, litter, and blankets. In-store collections are very inconclusive, which is why we try our best to increase our efforts... but it's just not enough!

Association AMICAT (Protection animale)
Maison des associations, Avenue des Potiers
59500 Douai
FR France

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