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Pellets for Querido

Itching, patches, weight loss: Querido is having skin problems!
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Pellets for Querido
Itching, patches, weight loss: Querido is having skin problems!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Les Crinières de Salherm decided to move forward the ending date of their campaign because the quantity left in their stock of pellets is highly critical.

Itching, patches, weight loss: Querido is having skin problems!

1. He's drained by skin problems!

Querido is a 22-year-old horse suffering from skin issues. He's affected by itching and patches on his skin. Therefore, we apply cream and clean his hair with a neutral pH soap. Tired and edgy, he's getting little rest and appears to be weakening…

2. Pellets would help him put on weight

A rich and complete diet such as pellets would help Querido regain strength. High-quality food could possibly alleviate his skin troubles. At any rate, it would certainly provide him with an excellent energy source!

3. There's no more grass!

We've had a lot of injuries recently resulting in costly care and treatment. In addition, the sun has scorched all the grass away. We already have to give out hay, which is going to accelerate our descent into financial difficulty…

Association Crinière de Salherm
Lieu dit la pouche
31230 Salerm
FR France

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