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Canned food for Garfield

Fleas, worms, shiny eyes... Garfield was at the end of his tether!
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Canned food for Garfield
Fleas, worms, shiny eyes... Garfield was at the end of his tether!

288 cans

288 cans

Fleas, worms, shiny eyes... Garfield was at the end of his tether!

1. He was in a sorry state...

Garfield is a 4-month-old kitten that we discovered with his mother and sister. As a result of not having had enough food in his early life, he is horribly thin. He's also infested with fleas and riddled with worms.  

2. He's sick!

Garfield has shiny eyes, which is a cause for concern. His brother, in fact, succumbed to cat flu. As such, we are in the process of treating him to avoid him suffering a similar fate...

3. Canned food could help him recover

On top of the treatment, Garfield could do with some suitable nutrition. Canned food designed for kittens could help him gain weight and allow him to regain a healthier constitution.

4. It's a horror!

Struggling to keep afloat without aid or grants, our association's situation is dire. I have to shoulder the cost of veterinary fees myself, while doing my utmost to feed a hundred cats... it's an impossible task!

Association Cat Miaou
375 rue du 19 mars 1962
30670 Aigues vives
FR France

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