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Canned food for Baloo

Baloo has been brutally bitten by a dog, his neck wound is causing us significant concern!
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Canned food for Baloo
Baloo has been brutally bitten by a dog, his neck wound is causing us significant concern!

256 cans

256 cans

Baloo has been brutally bitten by a dog, his neck wound is causing us significant concern!

1. He is seriously injured

Baloo is already 17 years old. He's a feral cat, who has always lived on the streets. He is wary of humans and does not let himself be caught easily. Unfortunately, his wary nature was not enough: poor Baloo didn't manage to escape the dog that attacked him.

The dog bit him, ruthlessly. The encounter left Baloo with a horrifying wound. The wound could have been fatal had we not been able to step in.

2. Canned food will help him regain strength

Baloo was traumatised by his ordeal. And not just due to his injury. His self-confidence has dwindled, not to mention his strength, exhausted from fighting off the pain.


He needs canned food to replenish his energy. This is all the more important as, at his age, Baloo cannot afford delays in regaining his zest for life.

3. Times are particularly tough at the moment

We currently have a substantial number of cats to feed. Many more than usual. And without support, we will not be able to cope!

Association Association des Chats Port-Saint-Louisiens
30 HLM le vauban
13230 Port saint Louis du Rhône
FR France

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