Animal Webaction
This campaign succeeded, it has been delivered on the 24/01/2024, discover the delivery pictures.
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Canned food for Hugo

Hugo is so drained by illness that he no longer has the energy to do anything but sleep!
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Canned food for Hugo
Hugo is so drained by illness that he no longer has the energy to do anything but sleep!

256 cans

256 cans

Hugo is so drained by illness that he no longer has the energy to do anything but sleep!

1. His mouth causes him pain

Hugo is now 12 years old. The passing years have already considerably worn him down. On top of that, he suffers from a calicivirus that brings him pain with every bite and weakens his gums.

His condition is such that he spends all his time sleeping, without the energy to do anything else...

2. Canned food will help him preserve his energy

Given his condition, Hugo absolutely requires soft food. With canned food, he will be able to eat properly again. This will help him regain his strength! Without them, his condition will only continue to decline...

3. We have recently taken in many cats

There have been an enormous number of new cat arrivals in recent days. It's non-stop!

We need your support to feed them all properly.



Association Les Félins Concitoyens de Saint Eliph
3 résidence du pressoir
28240 saint-Eliph
FR France

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