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Blankets for Solal

Constantly unwell, Solal has watery eyes and tiring sneezes... He's at his wit's end!
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Blankets for Solal
Constantly unwell, Solal has watery eyes and tiring sneezes... He's at his wit's end!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Constantly unwell, Solal has watery eyes and tiring sneezes... He's at his wit's end!

1. Solal is constantly sneezing

Solal is just two years old. It would have been expected for him to grow up peacefully and age graciously over a few more years. That is, if he were not sick.

Solal has chronic cat flu. He sneezes, his eyes are watery... These are far from comfortable living conditions. He needs his treatment every day to keep going!

2. Blankets will keep him warm

Current weather conditions do not improve Solal's condition at all. Cold is not recommended for him. The blankets are thus even more essential to keep him warm and prevent further deterioration of his condition.

3. We're struggling to cover all costs

We have several dozen kittens right now. But we’re finding it hard to feed them. We’re struggling to pay all the bills, we’ve already spent more on veterinary costs than last year. Unfortunately, everything is on the rise, except donations. And it’s the cats who are suffering.

Association L'Arche de Ploum
25320 TORPES
FR France
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