Animal Webaction
This campaign has failed... Nougat hasn't received anything. Why?

It is always a huge disappointment to see a campaign fail, it means that the concerned animals will not receive any help. Unfortunately, we can not ship incomplete campaigns.

When a campaign fails, why can't you at least deliver what has been collected ?

We want to maximize the help we are all bringing to the animals in distress. Our campaign goals are calculated to balance our storage, delivery and manufacturing costs of the offered products.

Delivering failed campaigns would generate too many costs, which would eventually lead to the bankruptcy of the website and leave all the animals that we could have helped alone...

The delivery of unfinished campaigns is also physically impossible for some products (if only 50% of a kennel is financed: we can not cut it in half).

Why can't you at least transfer the collected money to the association ?

Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to transfer money instead of the advertised product (article L 548-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code).

For this reason, when a campaign fails, donations are immediately refunded. If they want to, donors can send this money directly to the association.

If you can't transfer the collected money to the association, why don't you just send it to another one ?

Our activity is regulated by the french tax law, it forbides us to use the money for anything else than the original use announced in the campaign (article L 548-1).

So, unfortunately, we are not allowed to transfer donations from a campaign to another.

What happens to the free clicks assigned to a failed campaign?

Free clicks are saved before being reallocated to other campaigns (free clicks being immaterial, they are not submited to the same obligations than financial donations).


photo association

Blankets for Nougat

Poor Nougat is suffering from severe hair loss!
photo association
Blankets for Nougat
Poor Nougat is suffering from severe hair loss!

This campaign failed, it won't be delivered... Collected quantities have been cancelled (payments have been transfered back and free clicks have been saved in a stock).

0 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Poor Nougat is suffering from severe hair loss!

1. She lives in the cold!

Nougat is a 12-year-old cat, who lives outdoors. Poor Nougat does not have a home for shelter in the winter... She squeezes between garages as best she can, but it's extremely cold in there!

2. She is suffering from skin problems!

Between the stress and the harsh outdoor conditions, Nougat is experiencing severe hair loss. We have treatment to alleviate her symptoms somewhat. However, it's not easy for her to take...

3. Blankets would keep her warm

With a batch of blankets, Nougat wouldn't have to lie down in often dirty and damp places. It could possibly help manage her skin issues. At least she could stay warm, which would be a significant change in her life!

4. We are financially in the red!

With the hike in food prices and veterinary fees, the situation has grown complicated at all levels! Many cats had parasites, so we had to embark on a large-scale campaign for deworming them...

But there are associated costs. Your help would be invaluable in continuing to feed them and in providing them with blankets!

Association Les Mimichats
1 chemin de la Micrause
30820 Caveirac
FR France

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