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Canned food for Pistache

Anaemia, lethargy, eye ulcer: Pistache had to undergo emergency surgery!
photo association
Canned food for Pistache
Anaemia, lethargy, eye ulcer: Pistache had to undergo emergency surgery!

256 cans

256 cans

Anaemia, lethargy, eye ulcer: Pistache had to undergo emergency surgery!

1. She's always lived outdoors...

Pistache is a year-and-a-half-old cat who was born at a feeding station. Poor Pistache has always stayed there, never knowing the warmth and love of a home!

2. She had to have eye surgery!

A few days ago, we found Pistache looking tired and severely anaemic. She had developed an ulcer in her eye, due to an infected injury. The vet was, therefore, forced to operate on her as a matter of utmost urgency!

3. Canned food would aid her recovery

A complete and nutrient-rich diet such as canned food would be ideal for restoring Pistache's energy level. This would allow her to replenish her vitamin supply, making it easier for her to regain strength after her surgery and improve her overall condition.

4. We're stretched thin!

Our financial situation is quite taut. We are doing our best, but the association is always on the brink when it comes to food... I therefore have to spend a lot of my own money. Regrettably, my funds are not infinite, and I can't keep it up this way for long!

Association Association Pour la Protection des Animaux du Territoire Eyguières et ses Environs (A.P.A.T.E.)
Maison des associations
Boulevard Reyre
13430 Eyguieres
FR France

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