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Pellets for Grizette

Deficient and emaciated, Grizette needs to regain her strength!
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Pellets for Grizette
Deficient and emaciated, Grizette needs to regain her strength!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

Deficient and emaciated, Grizette needs to regain her strength!

1. She suffered from a lack of food...

Grizette is a female donkey of about 15 years old, who was neglected at her previous farm. Poor Grizette was left isolated in a field. When she arrived she was both malnourished and in a weakened state!

2. To regain her strength, she will need pellets

Feeding Grizette pellets on a daily basis would enable her to eat to her content again. Such a comprehensive and balanced diet would help her to replenish her nutrients, providing her body with everything it needs. Reinvigorated, she will be better equipped for the upcoming winter!

3. Many animals have arrived in critical condition...

As our facility has grown, we have been called out for rescues. More often than not, the animals were in critical states and their treatment has incurred significant costs.

Not to mention that we have just taken in a group of 60 sheep.. Thus, with a hundred mouths to feed in total, we have no choice but to ask for your assistance!

Association Roses et Bandanas
Place de la république
66690 Palau del Vidre
FR France

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