Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Pablo

Weight loss, weakened heart, missing teeth: Pablo is ageing and needs suitable food...
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Canned food for Pablo
Weight loss, weakened heart, missing teeth: Pablo is ageing and needs suitable food...

132 cans

132 cans

Weight loss, weakened heart, missing teeth: Pablo is ageing and needs suitable food...

1. He has lived under extremely harsh conditions

Pablo is a 16-year-old dog rescued from a Serbian shelter. He suffered greatly at the jaws and claws of the other dogs, leaving him scarred and with one ear torn off...

2. His health is deteriorating...

Pablo's heart was weakened by heartworm disease. We managed to rid him of these parasites, but he still suffers from after-effects. He has also lost a substantial amount of weight.

3. He hardly has any teeth left!

Pablo suffered from multiple dental abscesses which led to the extraction of many of his teeth. Currently, he doesn't have enough teeth to chew his food properly.

4. Canned food would help him regain his strength

Canned food, rich in high-quality nutrients, would aid in Pablo's weight gain. After all he's been through, such delectable food would bring great comfort to him. With its soft texture, he would have an easier time eating.

5. We are in a financial hole!

With the dropping temperatures, we have a surge in sick animals to take care of. We've even had fatalities. This scenario has resulted in substantial veterinary costs that have put us back in the red! Despite our fundraising efforts, these are proving to be extremely challenging times…

Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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