Animal Webaction
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Pellets for Loustic

At just eight months old, Loustic was about to be sold for his meat!
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Pellets for Loustic
At just eight months old, Loustic was about to be sold for his meat!

200 kg
Pellets offered

200 kg
Pellets necessary

At just eight months old, Loustic was about to be sold for his meat!

1. He was going to be slaughtered for meat…

Loustic is a draft horse we saved when he was only eight months old to keep him away from the slaughterhouse. He is now a year and a half old and is still growing.

2. Pellets would enable him to grow normally

Given his age and size, Loustic has large food requirements. With supplementation like pellets, he could get an energy boost. Having an adequate intake of vitamins would help him to complete his growth under good conditions!

3. The association can no longer afford it!

We've had additional cases to deal with, and we now find ourselves with lots of animals. They have significant nutritional needs, but I'm finding it impossible to manage these financial difficulties all on my own…

Association L'Arche de Céline
RD 561
FR France

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