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Canned food for Colombe

Congested nose, breathing difficulties, fatigue: Colombe has chronic cat flu!
photo association
Canned food for Colombe
Congested nose, breathing difficulties, fatigue: Colombe has chronic cat flu!

256 cans

256 cans

Congested nose, breathing difficulties, fatigue: Colombe has chronic cat flu!

1. She is very ill...

Colombe is a 16-year-old cat we took in following the death of her owner. She suffers from chronic cat flu, with symptoms exacerbated by the shape of her nose. It's congested and hard to clean. As a result, she experiences respiratory discomfort, adding to her fatigue.

2. She has no teeth left!

Over time, Colombe has gradually lost all her teeth. Therefore, she can no longer chew dry food. It's essential that we have an alternative food option for her, as she is already very thin (weighing only 1.5 kg).

3. To regain strength without difficulty, she will need canned food

A moist and palatable food would make it easier for Colombe to eat. Formulated for elderly cats, such canned food would provide everything her body needs, while helping her to gain a bit of weight.

4. We must take care of an additional 50 cats all at once…

Compared to last year, the association's budget is in deficit. And things may not improve: an individual has abandoned over 50 cats, which we will have to take care of in addition to the fifty or so toms we already look after.

Many are old or sick and will probably never be adopted. The association has been in existence for eight years, but we have never faced such difficulties!

Association Les Chats de la Tour
7 rue du bac
FR France
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