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Blankets for Cazano

Weakened, Cazano's immune system no longer protects him properly: he is always sick!
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Blankets for Cazano
Weakened, Cazano's immune system no longer protects him properly: he is always sick!

287,300 cm2
blankets offered

287,300 cm2
blankets necessary

Weakened, Cazano's immune system no longer protects him properly: he is always sick!

1. His immunity is compromised by FIV...

Cazano, a cat of around 10 years, is particularly vulnerable due to FIV. This ailment progressively weakens his immune system, rendering him extremely susceptible to various health issues. He often suffers from cat flu, and occasionally experiences vomiting.

2. He suffers from a chronic calicivirus!

Cazano is affected by a calicivirus, which does not clear up due to his frailty. It was necessary to remove all of his teeth, to alleviate some of the inflammation in his mouth. But now, he can no longer chew.

3. Blankets would help to keep him warm

A set of blankets would aid Cazano in maintaining his body heat more effectively. By keeping him warmed, it would lessen the chances of him falling ill again. Having some comfort and warmth would also help him to rest more peacefully.

4. We have had a huge amount of veterinary bills this year!

Right now, the charity is facing considerable difficulties. This year, our financial aid has drastically decreased and we have received very few donations. The veterinary bills have meanwhile reached up to 6,000 euros.

Many of the cats became ill and required dental extractions. Settling all these bills and continuing to find the means to feed the cats that need a specific diet is beyond our capacity...


Association Protect Cat
55 avenue rené cassin
residence le titien n°501
13270 fos sur mer
FR France

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