Animal Webaction
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Canned food for Mike

After constantly having litters, poor Mike is utterly exhausted!
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Canned food for Mike
After constantly having litters, poor Mike is utterly exhausted!

256 cans

256 cans

After constantly having litters, poor Mike is utterly exhausted!

1. She's very weak...

Mike is a female cat of about three years old, who has had litter after litter. She is now exceedingly thin and exhausted. We therefore urgently need to catch her, to neuter her and build her strength back up!

2. Canned food would help to get her back on her feet

Providing her with appetising food would help to gain Mike's trust. We could then more easily take her to the veterinarian for her neutering operation.

Following this operation, canned food would help her recover energy. She could gradually gain weight and move out of danger!

3. The food supply is becoming increasingly difficult...

At the moment, we are unable to organise trolley operations because the supermarkets are not sufficiently stocked with cat biscuits.

Buying food for all the animals ourselves has become particularly challenging with our current budget. But we cannot give up, because 80 cats need us!

Association Association de Protection Animale des Hautes Corbières
10 avenue du Termenès
11330 Félines-Termenès
FR France

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