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Canned food for Noisette

Heart problems, leg injury, malnutrition: poor Noisette has had it rough!
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Canned food for Noisette
Heart problems, leg injury, malnutrition: poor Noisette has had it rough!

132 cans

132 cans

Heart problems, leg injury, malnutrition: poor Noisette has had it rough!

1. She suffered from abuse...

Noisette is a 13-year-old dog, who spent her life chained up on the island of Reunion. Suffering from neglect and abuse, this poor soul even had her leg broken!

2. She has heart problems!

Noisette has a heart condition due to a torn ligament near her heart. As a result, she needs to follow a strong treatment plan, which unfortunately results in loss of appetite.

3. Canned food could help her keep up her strength

The soft and moist texture of the canned food would make it easier for Noisette to take her medications. This would increase the chances of her condition improving.

Such a high-quality and appetising food would help her to eat regularly, while being kind to her fragile cardiovascular system. After all she has been through, such comforting food would do her a lot of good!

4. The year is ending as badly as it started...

As this year comes to a close, our difficulties are piling up: successive cold spells, a shortage of donations, almost futile trolley dashes... We’re at a point where we don’t even know if we can continue!

And yet we must, as we have taken in new animals from other charities that have closed their doors. We cannot abandon the poor animals who depend on us - 97 dogs need our help!


Association Associaction "Pour que Vieux Rime Avec Heureux" (A.V.R.A.H.)
12 Chemin de Lliriu
FR France

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